Ayrton Senna
Vibes 7 and 31 of the F1 champion Natal Chart in Vibrational Astrology
Nelson Ramos
12/17/202410 min read
“When it comes to performance, commitment, effort, and dedication, there is no middle ground. Either you do something exceptionally well, or you don’t do it at all."
Foto: Divulgação / Márcia Piovesan
Ayrton Senna, a three-time F1 champion with a history full of race victories leading up to the pinnacle of motorsport, made this statement that reflects the essence of the vibration 7 in Vibrational Astrology.
Vibe-7 is characterized by the formulation of an inner understanding, in a quiet, deep and introverted way, aiming for mastery. The inner focus of Seven results in intense concentration and self-discipline. On its website, the McLaren brand recalls the driver who raced for its team in the period 1988-1993 and who teamed up with Alain Prost, in what was one of the most famous rivalries in F1 competition, as follows:
“The iconic Brazilian was the best driver in many ways, from his heroism on the track and his phenomenal work ethic to his fascinating use of language. English may not have been his mother tongue, and yet, even in his second language, he had a thought-provoking, almost theatrical way with words that left us speechless.”, https://www.mclaren.com/racing/heritage/formula-1/drivers/ayrton-senna/5-life-lessons/
Ayrton Senna has a very strong expression in vibrations 14 and 28 - multiple in 2x and 4x of 7. Not being his prevalent vibrations – which will be analyzed later – but which certainly relate to your dedicated way of working.
Vibration 14 directs your focus to interacting with the elements in the world and with a small circle of people who share the area where the pilot operates. In this vibration there is a strong interaction with trine and sextile aspects of the planets Sun, Moon, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, in an isosceles trapezoid – reduced to isotrap – which manifests an intense need to experience a life of emotions, created throughout its history, in a completely free way and deeply linked to a sincere and honest ideal of life, that lasts over time in a simple and unpretentious way. These astrological configurations – isotrap – indicate planetary relationships of great resonance and that operate on an internal psychological level. While these resonances may not be easily identified, they relate to more subtle and equally significant patterns of behavior. In addition, the structure of Saturn's midpoints between the Sun and Mercury and the midpoints of Mercury with Saturn and Mars show the persistent clarity of thought and objectivity in his daily development process, which he analyzes in detail in order to accomplish those small essential things that urgently need to be done every day. On this, McLaren notes Senna's quote:
"Often through a mistake due to your own personality or your own character or interference that you get along the way, then you learn, and the main thing is to make sure that you learn from your mistakes and get better."
About the principles of sport driving, Senna explains:
“In general terms, any type of mental training aimed at increasing the effectiveness of a driver behind the wheel of a racing car must start from the assumption that victory is a consequence of the work done. With this attitude, victory is no longer the main objective and is replaced by the search for perfection in the various factors that contribute to victory, such as physical training, car configuration, correct management of a set of tires, knowledge of the race tracks and so on, always focusing on smaller and smaller things... For a driver, getting in the car should be like going to the office for a top manager: it's your daily job.”
In this sentence, the F1 driver condenses the search for perfection through dedicated work and attention to detail, the meticulous analysis required of the multiple small and varied factors involved in a continuous and daily activity to achieve concrete goals, in a vibration associated with self-improvement. This is an expression, par excellence, of the structure of midpoints with an orb – distance between planets – very narrow of 1 and 3 minutes of degree between Sun (daily consciousness), Mercury (thought and communication), Mars (action and motivation) and Saturn (establishment of what is essential).
On the other hand, vibration 28, which is also related to vibe-7 as it results from the combination of 7 by 4, the effort and dedication of the conscious focus that is lived every day seen in vibe-14 is converted into a strong motivation to manifest your own personal action, evidencing your proficiency and mastery, with confidence not to take the easy way. Consistent practice allows the development of endurance and energy seeking the precision, elegance and refinement that it incessantly aims to achieve. In this vibration, Senna manifests the same relationships as the planets mentioned in vibe-14, but now Jupiter and Uranus join the energetic resonances of the vibration, which allows us to understand that his success and luck was closely linked to his determination, courage and persistence in following his dream sustained by an unshakable faith. This faith is a characteristic of the interaction of Saturn and Neptune in close trine, manifesting a powerful need to follow the passion that defined your life. These 2 planets in a circuit – 3 planets involved in aspect in Vibrational Astrology – often identify themselves in someone who is considered a spiritual seeker, in their most evident areas of manifestation. With Uranus, this spirituality arises spontaneously and immediately:
“There was something very spiritual about him. We were with him the whole time he was at McLaren, and there wasn't much we hadn't done for him. You knew whatever you did, it was worth it. He was a born leader. A top man. If he was still here today, I'd make sure he was in his car." - Gary Wheele, Ayrton's mechanic no.2
The Moon, also involved in the grand trine, is helped by the expansive Jupiter to form the tail of the "kite" – an astrological configuration – allows us to understand why Senna felt this instinct, so often optimistic and confident. The desire to expand your emotions is clearly expressed in Senna's quote:
“On a certain day, in a certain circumstance, you think you have a limit. And then you go to that limit and you touch that limit, and you think, 'Okay, this is the limit.' And then you touch that boundary, something happens and suddenly you can go a little further. With your mental power, your determination, your instinct and the experience as well, you can fly very high."
On the other hand, Neptune's involvement also with the Moon in this large trine configuration which, with the proximity of Jupiter, indicates an enormous sensitivity to the environment and the people around it:
“He was fiercely competitive, but calmed down after his second World Championship. When Gerhard Berger joined the team, he relaxed more, Gerhard taught him that it wasn't just about being fully focused on racing, you can also enjoy life. Lots of games too! They got along very well, a nice atmosphere." - Gary Wheele, Ayrton's mechanic no.2
The fluid and extremely focused instinct, as an "unrealistic" experience is mentioned by the driver, and referred to in the TV series that portrays his life in the world of motor racing;
“And suddenly I realized that I was no longer driving the car consciously. I was driving by a kind of instinct, only I was in a different dimension."
This description characterizes Uranus, Saturn and Neptune, in a narrow trine, whose process of driving the vehicle was felt as a kind of trance, with the conjunction of Moon and Pluto on Neptune at the midpoint of the 2. Pluto adds what intensity of focus is and the Moon the perception that it is a type of instinct.
Ayrton Senna also sums up, with remarkable simplicity, the objective way in which he values his performance:
"I don't have idols. I respect hard work, dedication and competence"
It is quite revealing of his self-awareness that his principles are fundamental and timeless to all the experiences he lives:
"We change, grow old, suffer and go through happy moments. But one thing hasn't changed in all these years: my principles"
And, at this point, it is important to investigate another very important vibration of Ayrton Senna da Silva's astrological chart, the vibe-31.
Vibration 31 relates to an inner existential perspective that there is a central mystery in life that we cannot fully understand. The uncertainty and ambiguity that one experiences in life make us resistant or even skeptical to simple explanations of what is culturally accepted by society as truths. Each individual creates his or her own idea of how communities need to operate and how they should organize themselves, acting in accordance with their own perspective.
In this regard, Senna has a phrase that expresses his perspective:
“These things bring you to the reality of how fragile you are; At the same time, you're doing something that no one else is capable of doing. At the same time that you are seen as the best, the fastest and someone who cannot be touched, you are extremely fragile."
"We are insignificant. No matter how much you plan your life, at any moment everything can change"
Like vibe-14, vibe-31 contains several isotraps (trapezoid-isosceles) with a strong resonant energy. In this case, there are 5 isotraps - a very high number in a single vibration - of which the following stand out: Sun/Uranus = Moon/Mercury with 1-minute orb and Mercury/Mars = Neptune/Pluto with 2-minute orb only. In this vibration, this reveals what is mentioned by the McLaren website when Senna addressed people. Senna communicated in a very emotional way and was someone who was spontaneously sensitive. People listened to him when it came to collective matters with which people identified. When organizations made decisions without considering individual reasons, often with unclear interests, they undermined the merit and effort of the teams or the individual:
"The main thing is to be yourself and not allow people to disturb you to be different because they want you to be different. You have to be yourself."
Senna was incredibly direct and objective and assumed himself countless times as a spokesperson for the group's feelings, and for their dreams and ambitions. It was in these moments that the expression of his charisma reached its peak, because he courageously faced the interests of organizations and represented the nonconformist and rebellious hero, captivating everyone around him with his eloquence:
"It is important that drivers stay together, because in difficult times we have each other. If we are not together, the financial and political interests of the organizers and builders come to the fore."
The vibe-93 results from multiplying the vibe-31 by 3. The Sun /Mars = Moon/Pluto isotrap becomes a Venus-Mars-Pluto conjunction and the Sun-Moon conjunction trines the Mercury-Uranus-Neptune conjunction. The first conjunction has Mars and Pluto half a degree apart, and this is manifested in his obsession with victory according to his own principles, which is interpreted from the value he attributed to it:
"Winning is what matters, the rest is a consequence"
Finally, and perhaps one of the most charismatic facets of Senna, it is related to the second astrological configuration referred to in the previous paragraph. It is in vibe-279, which connects vibe-31 with vibe-9, that the conjunction of 5 planets – Sun-Moon-Mercury-Uranus-Neptune – is revealed, and emphasizes this vibration in a decisive way in the pilot's behavior. Vibe-9 is about seeking or founding a community or environment that we identify with and want to belong to. From the fusion of vibes 9 and 31 results the will to create or find that community where people can express and live their own individual nature, unique to each individual, in freedom and without cultural and collective oppression, in which everyone could have an opportunity to win:
“Alongside his passion for speed, the three-time Brazilian Formula 1 champion, Ayrton Senna, had a passion for Brazil, and dreamed of a country where everyone had the opportunity to be victorious in whatever they wanted.” – https://institutoayrtonsenna.org.br/quem-somos/nossa-historia/
Through his sister, after the fatal accident, the institute was created, as a way to contribute to the improvement of conditions of education, studies and access to science in a country where he observed so much poverty and sadness.
Following the accidents during practice and qualifying for the Imola race, in which his compatriot Barrichelo had a serious accident and another, even more serious, involved the Austrian Ratzenberger, who died as a result of his injuries. On the morning of the fateful race, Senna talked to his great rival at McLaren, Alain Prost, who had already retired from the competition and was now a sports commentator. Senna expressed his great concern about the new FIA rules and the absence of protective measures for the drivers. Senna intended to re-establish the Driver Safety Commission to improve safety in F1 and would take the lead, as he was one of the most experienced at the time and would have an effect in the next race, in Monaco. Senna intended to raise the flag in honor of Ratzenberger after the race.
Senna has always had a sense of collective in achieving a goal:
"I'm part of a team. So when I win, it's not just me who wins. In a way, I finish the work of a huge group of people"
In his astonishing victory in the Brazilian Grand Prix, which he had not yet won, with his car stuck in sixth gear in the last laps, he does not forget the team's cooperation to get to victory:
"Thank you, Brazil. Thank you, fans. The human warmth this weekend was so great, that we had to win this time. It could not be otherwise. We did it."
Monument to Ayrton Senna, by Melinda Garcia in São Paulo
Ayrton Senna would have turned 61 years old on March 21 (Photo: Jean-Loup Gautreau and Pascal Pavani/AFP)