
The reading of the astrological chart allows for the indication of the symbolic nature of particular facets of life. Discovering a meaning that eludes us can be the turning point we need.

The information contained in an astrological chart is vast. It is by no means possible to provide a complete and exhaustive interpretation in a single consultation, or even in several. An astrological consultation is, above all, the use of a sacred and valuable tool in a process of self-discovery and personal development. Its greatest value lies in the ability to reveal meaning. The answers obtained are those that a particular moment requires.

Your internal preparation for the consultation is just as important as the astrologer’s preparation.

Schedule Your Reading

If this is your first time having a consultation with us, the following information is required for any type of consultation:

• Date of Birth

• Time of Birth (as accurate as possible)

• Place of Birth

The consultation is conducted via Zoom, and a recording of the session will be sent along with the charts created, depending on the type of consultation.

It is possible to have the consultation in person, in Leiria, Portugal. In this case, the session will not be recorded. This option must be confirmed in advance.

Vibracional Astrology

This approach to Astrology, developed by Santino Mancuso (aka David Cochrane), is based on Harmonic Astrology, proposed by John Addey. The focus is on the angular distances between the planets, commonly known as aspects. Additionally, it takes into account the midpoints and the geometric relationships of the planets within the Ecliptic circle, and these relationships are directly linked to the meaning of the harmonics/vibrations. Vibrational Astrology supports the highlighted meanings according to statistical analysis methods, which assign a higher confidence level to the reading of the astrological chart. This approach is predominantly behavioural, in contrast to other astrological approaches, which focus more on psychological traits or tendencies that may or may not have behavioural expression in the individual’s life. Although this method has been in development for around 40 years, it is still under continuous study due to its vastness (there is, in fact, an infinite number of harmonics/vibrations), and the results continue to be refined and improved.

This is because it is possible to achieve a much greater depth and detail in the reading of the astrological chart with Vibrational Astrology. It allows for a deeper and more comprehensive self-discovery in identifying concrete behavioural patterns that, often, other astrological approaches simply do not reveal.

And why should I opt for this approach?
Let's discover more?

Natal Chart

Estimated duration: 120 minutes

An advanced approach that allows for a precise behavioural analysis based on evidence. Through this methodology, it is possible to gain a more complete and profound understanding of the native’s psychological structure and tendencies, fostering a meaningful process of self-knowledge and personal exploration.

At the moment, it is not possible to provide predictive analysis using Vibrational Astrology, as it is still under study by the astrologer. It will soon be available for nearly all applications of Modern Astrology – Transits, progressions, relocation, and synastry.

Shall we discover more about you?


100 €

This is the starting point! Before any other astrological reading, to begin the journey of self-knowledge through Astrology, it is essential that we start at the beginning, the moment when we become independent and breathe for the first time in this world.

Are you going through a moment in life that you can't understand? Do you feel something is telling you to change something in your life but you can't decide? Are you changing profession and feeling insecure?

It is possible to analyse the relationship between two astrological charts of two different individuals, with a view to understanding the points of compatibility and/or possible challenges in their relationship. This interpretation can only be carried out with the presence of both individuals.

Modern Western Astrology

Modern Western Astrology is understood as that which takes into account the 7 traditional planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn) including those discovered indirectly (through use of telescopes and other means) and integrated into practice after their discovery (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and other celestial bodies of the Solar System).

Birth Chart


Estimated duration: 120 minutes


Solar Return


Would you like to have a glimpse of what you can expect in your next year?

This is an analysis of the birth chart, drawn up for the date, time, and location - as accurately as possible - of the moment of the first autonomous breath of the being. For deontological reasons, only birth charts of the consultant themselves or of direct family members who are minors are analysed. The greater the degree of certainty regarding the moment of first breath, the greater the degree of correspondence between the chart and the individual.

Life is made of cycles. This is the nature of Astrology. Just as the planets of the solar system describe orbits around the Sun, life tends to follow the same pattern. The archetypal meanings of the planets (astronomically, the Sun and Moon are not planets) relate synchronously with the events that occur in life. Understanding how these interact with each other and their correlation with individual and/or collective life is still a mystery. After millennia of study and accumulated observation, Astrology can give meaning to the phases that we are all subject to living.

The powerful archetypical predictive technique of the Solar Return allows you to preview the nature of the year following the one you have just completed. The Sun, which represents our consciousness and is therefore considered linked to identity, returns to the same point in the zodiac where it was at the moment of birth. The configuration of the other planets and astrological houses at that moment correlates with the Natal Chart, and the challenges and opportunities in the approaching year can be observed.

Estimated duration: 90 minutes

Estimated duration: 60 minutes



Estimated duration: 120 minutes

Do you know that Astrology can also show compatibility between people?


Relocation Chart

Estimated duration: 60 minutes

Astrology can also answer this. By relocating the birth chart to the intended location, the cardinal points (Ascendant, Midheaven, etc.) change, as do the astrological houses. Consequently, the personal experience felt in a location different from where we were born will necessarily be different. With this, we can find answers to questions such as: Will I like living there? Will I have job opportunities? How will I be seen? Who might I meet there? We can both better plan our holidays and foresee the impact of a change of residence, whether temporary or permanent?

Have you ever felt that you feel different in other locations, when you remain there for some time, even temporarily?



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Birth Information

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